Welcome to the Story hub page!
This section contains a full summary and analysis of the entire Loonaverse lore in release order, made specifically for newcomers. This hub page contains links to each specific section for quick navigation.
This is the bulk of this site, dedicated to covering absolutely everything related to the Loonaverse from start to finish. Everything you need will be provided, so you don't need to have seen anything from LOONA going into this.
Section by section, we will go over all music videos, teasers, promotional material, songs, choreographies, and anything else relevant to the Loonaverse. This will include background, analysis, and various theories. Everything will build on itself, so I highly recommend starting from the beginning and going in order, especially if you're a newcomer.
Read from the Beginning:
This will take you to the Part 1 of the Story section. Each part will include options to go to the next part or go back to the previous part, so you can easily read through everything chronologically.
Jump to a Specific Page:
These links will take you to the hub pages for each section of the story, divided into eras based on subunits. From these hubs, you will be able to jump directly to the page for any video/song/etc.
The 1/3 hub contains all material from ViViD to Sonatine:
The ODD EYE CIRCLE hub contains all material from Eclipse to Sweet Crazy Love:
The yyxy hub contains all material from new to one:
The OT12 hub contains all material from favOriTe to Flip That: