FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Yves looking around with a confused look on her face, from the 'new' music video. There are three red apples floating around her.

Why are none of the official videos or songs linked?

BlockBerry Creative, LOONA's former company who mistreated them, profit from interactions with official material. Thus all material used here is sourced from archives compiled by fans, in order to not give the company any money. See the archive links on the home page.

Will you be covering ARTMS and Loossemble?

(Context: ARTMS and Loossemble are two groups comprised of ex-LOONA members.)

Not right now. The main focus of this site is to cover LOONA-era content, so even if I end up covering ARTMS, Loossemble, or any other later additions to the Loonaverse, it won't be until after I'm finished with everything else.

This site is in many ways a retrospective look on the Loonaverse, where we already have all the facts and all the discussion has mostly died down. Covering new releases would be tricky as it would be documenting an actively-changing theory landscape.

So for now the answer is no, but I won't rule it out completely in the future.

Why do you write ______ like that?

Everything on this site is written/formatted according to my own personal preference. ("Loonaverse" vs "LOONAverse", "Go Won" vs "Gowon", etc.)

Why do you still call Hyeju "Olivia Hye"?

I only use the name "Olivia" when referring to the Loonaverse character, as that is what she has always been called. When referring to the real person, I will always call her Hyeju.

Why is [part of site] like this?

I apologize if anything on this site doesn't work properly or feels unusual. This is my first real time using HTML, so I don't really know what I'm doing lmao. If you have any suggestions for things I should change or add, feel free to leave a comment!

Who runs this site?

My name is Simon! You can find my Tumblr here. For posts specifically related to this site, see here! I've been a LOONA fan since 2018, and I started work on this site in June 2024.

A drawing of the members of Loona in a cartoon style. They are divided into three rows, with a mobius strip in the background.

^ My fanart!