
There are 12 members of LOONA, each playing their own character within the Loonaverse. Each member has a respective color and animal that represents them. These are very important, as they're often used as symbols within the Loonaverse. Some members also have other traits such as representative locations, superpowers, and fruits.
The members are divided into three subunits: LOONA 1/3, Odd Eye Circle, and yyxy. (Yeojin is not a part of any subunit, but is usually associated with 1/3.) Each subunits' members reside in one of three planes of existence: Earth, Middle Earth (also known as Cosmos), and Eden.
This page will provide bios for each character, as well as the subunits. They are listed in debut order.
(Please note that these bios may be hard to fully understand if you're a newcomer, as not a lot of context is provided. If they're too confusing, I would recommend checking out the Story section first.)

Heejin is the first girl to be revealed. She is presumably from Earth, although it is theorized that she could possibly be the god of the Loonaverse. She is a part of 1/3, attending school as a regular girl on Earth. She is a part of the track team alongside the other members of 1/3. Her representative shape is a square, and she represents the "3" in 1/3 along with Hyunjin and Haseul. She is often paired with Hyunjin, with them collectively being known as "2jin."
Heejin generally seems like a fairly nice, average girl. She carries herself with dignity and has a very confident aura about her. She seems to wish for something more than what she has near the beginning as suggested by ViViD, where it appears as if she is imagining exploring a magical house and painting it in vivid colors, but seems to actually just be mundanely sweeping.
Olivia Hye's darkness has been contrasted with Heejin's light, suggesting that Heejin is possibly "purer" than the other girls in some way. Heejin seems to have a very notable connection with Olivia in general, as seen by them meeting at the end of Egoist and their scenes together in Star. This is presumably due to them being the first and last girl respectively.
Her representative flower is a love plant/purple shamrock, which is said to symbolize love and fertility. It is considered by some to be a holy plant, and was described in a teaser as meaning "I won't leave/abandon you."

Hyunjin is the second girl to be revealed. She is presumably from Earth (although this is questionable). She is a part of 1/3, attending school as a regular girl on Earth. She is a part of the track team alongside the other members of 1/3. Her representative shape is a square, and she represents the "3" in 1/3 along with Heejin and Haseul. She is often paired with Heejin, with them collectively being known as "2jin."
Hyunjin seems to be fairly shy, as shown in Around You. This MV also reveals that Hyunjin appears to have a crush on someone, possibly her hairdresser, who she repeatedly backs out of confessing to.
Hyunjin's counterpart is Choerry. They are compared to twins, and Choerry is seen replacing Hyunjin's part in Love & Live 2.0 shown at the Cinema Theory event. Because Choerry is originally from Earth, this has led to the popular theory that Hyunjin was originally from Middle Earth and swapped places with Choerry.
It's thus also assumed that Hyunjin was possibly the original third member of Odd Eye Circle, which is supported by her cameo in Girl Front, and her color, yellow, combining with the other OEC members' colors to make up the primary colors. She is also seen with smoke of her color in Paint the Town, something which only the OEC members had previously been seen with.
Hyunjin appears to have a close connection to ViVi, as Hyunjin plugs her back into the wall when she sees her sleeping in You and Me Together. They also both possibly have connections to Odd Eye Circle and yyxy.
The bracelet that Hyunjin receives from the cat in Around You is revealed to have been made by Go Won in See Saw, implying that there is a connection between the two of them as well.
Her representative flower is a forget-me-not, which is said to symbolize remembrance, true love, respect, and loyalty among other things. It means "don't forget me."

Haseul ("hah-sull") is the third girl to be revealed. She is presumably from Earth. She is a part of 1/3, being the subunit's leader, and attends school as a regular girl on Earth. She is a part of the track team alongside the other members of 1/3. Her representative shape is a square, and she represents the "3" in 1/3 along with Heejin and Hyunjin. She has a particularly close relationship with Yeojin, who she cares for like a mother.
Haseul acts as the mother of the group in general, being very caring and mature. However, she's also been described as "causing rain wherever she goes," implying that she might be depressed. She went missing for unknown reasons between So What and Why Not (In real life, this was due to her taking a mental health break. It's unclear what the in-universe explanation for this is).

There is another version of Haseul, nicknamed "Birdseul" or "Boyseul" by fans, who appears in Let Me In. They are a boy with short blonde hair and are seen wearing an outfit made of white feathers. They have connections to the story of The Little Prince, presumably paralleling the titular character. It is unknown exactly who or what they are, what their relationship with Haseul is, or what they are supposed to represent. However, the MV does end with regular Haseul shooting them with her slingshot - though again, it is debated what this is supposed to mean.
Haseul explores a crashed plane in Let Me In, which is seen again in Why Not and shown alongside other symbols associated with her in Hula Hoop. It is thus often assumed that she was possibly on the plane when it crashed, or knew someone who was. At the very least, she has a strong connection to it. She also rides in a yellow truck in Let Me In, which appears again in Girl Front, implying a connection between her and Odd Eye Circle.
Haseul was friends with Choerry while she still lived on Earth, as shown in Love Cherry Motion.
Haseul also has connections with Chuu, Go Won, and Olivia Hye. Haseul was the one to wake Chuu up at the end of Heart Attack, presumably after Chuu fell from Eden. Go Won is seen visiting Haseul's plane from Let Me In in the XX teasers, finding one of the white bird feathers, and Olivia is seen with a white feather as well in So What.
Her representative flower is a kobus magnolia, which is said to symbolize purity, perfection, and nobility.

Yeojin ("yoh-jin") is the fourth girl to be revealed. She is presumably from Earth. She is not officially a part of 1/3, but is said to represent the slash (/) in the name. Her representative shape, likewise, is a tilted square. She is a part of their friend group regardless, although it's unknown if she attends the same school since she is not seen doing so. She has a particularly close relationship with Haseul, who cares for her like a mother.
Yeojin is the youngest member of LOONA. She is more immature and noisy than the other Earth girls due to her age. Like Haseul, she was friends with Choerry while she still lived on Earth, as shown in Love Cherry Motion.
In addition to a frog, Yeojin is occasionally represented by a bear. It is stated that she "tried to pretend she was a teddy bear, but was actually a frog."
Sometime before the events of Sonatine, Yeojin gets lost in the endless Möbius forest on Earth, and has to be rescued by the members of 1/3 going in after her and casting "an arcane spell of love." It is unknown how or why she became lost, as well as how exactly she was rescued. It is possible that her disappearance was intentional, as she is described as having "[run] away deeper into the forest" after she initially became lost.
A frog plushie, Yeojin's animal, was briefly picked up by Yves in new, implying a possible connection between the two.
Yeojin is depicted as a fairy tale princess throughout Kiss Later, which could possibly link her to Go Won, who is also depicted as a princess in One & Only.
Her representative flower is a daisy, which is said to symbolize purity, innocence, new beginnings, and joy.

ViVi is the fifth girl to be revealed. It's unknown what world she originally came from. She is a part of 1/3, attending school alongside the other girls on Earth. She is a part of the track team alongside the other members of 1/3. Her representative shape is a square, and she represents the "1" in 1/3.
Unlike the other normal girls on Earth, ViVi is actually an android. However, she is able to break free of her programming and become "human" at the end of Love & Live. (Though it's unclear exactly what this means.) It's commonly assumed that ViVi was a regular human before she was turned into an android, as she is seen being much more expressive in the past.
It's unknown what caused ViVi to become an android, but it is commonly assumed that she died. Some theories posit she died in some kind of accident, while others suggest the idea that she was actually killed. The culprit differs from theory to theory, but the most popular candidates are either Olivia Hye or Yves. (This will be elaborated on later.)
ViVi is shown to be a sweet and gentle girl. As an android, she is completely emotionless and moves very robotically. She has enhanced abilities, being able to run consistently without tiring, having precise aim, and not needing to eat or drink. However, she has to charge herself via plugging her battery pack into the wall.
ViVi has always been referred to as an android specifically, not a cyborg. Cyborgs are typically humans with robotic enhancements, while androids refer to fully robotic beings. This may imply that ViVi was fully built from the ground up and does not actually have any human parts within her.
The other Earth girls appear to know she's an android, as Heejin doesn't seem surprised to see her charging in Love & Live and Hyunjin plugs her back in in You and Me Together; although it's unclear if this is something they actively discuss, or if it's more of an open secret. Regardless, ViVi's nature as an android isolates her from the rest of the friend group. Her supernatural abilities seem to be viewed by the other girls as odd, and she is frequently seen standing at a distance from them and staying silent during conversations. However, they still clearly care about her.
ViVi also possesses what appears to be an Odd Eye on her left, a trait usually unique to Odd Eye Circle. While OEC's take the form of colored crescent-shaped rings under their pupils, ViVi's eye takes on the appearance of space, turning purple and blue with twinkling stars.

It appears that her Odd Eye isn't related to her being an android, as she still has it in Star, which is presumably after the events of Love & Live and thus after she became human again. However, it's possible she did get it when she was turned into an android, and it simply persisted for whatever reason. Either way, her eye very explicitly connects her to Odd Eye Circle, though it's unclear exactly how.
At some point before or during the events of Everyday I Need You, ViVi rescued Jinsoul from a basement in Hong Kong. It's unknown why Jinsoul was there or how ViVi rescued her, but it shows that the two are on good terms. (It's possible this was just a joke, but it's unclear.) Jinsoul is also filmed by ViVi at an aquarium in Letter to Hong Kong.
One of ViVi's most important connections outside of 1/3 is Yves. The two went on a roller skating date in new, where they are shown smiling and holding hands. (It's unclear where this occurred, but it was likely on Earth.) In Everyday I Love You, ViVi appears to skate with a random boy, but it turns out it was just a dream. It's commonly assumed that this dream is actually a corrupted memory of her skating with Yves from before she became an android.
Some theories suggest that Yves was the one who killed ViVi, having lured her on the date in new in order to kill her. However later on in Why Not, ViVi is seen searching for Yves, which suggests that she doesn't hold any ill will towards her and in fact actively wishes to see her again.
The other popular candidate for ViVi's killer, Olivia Hye, is never really seen directly interacting with her directly. Therefore, it's unknown what their relationship is like and subsequently, if it would make sense in the context of this theory. According to said theory, Olivia killed ViVi in order to hurt Yves, since the two of them were very close.
Her representative flower is pink and white gerberas, pink symbolizing adoration and white symbolizing innocence.
LOONA 1/3 (subunit)

LOONA 1/3 consists of Heejin, Hyunjin, Haseul, and ViVi. The "1" in the name is ViVi, the slash is Yeojin, and the "3" is Heejin, Hyunjin, and Haseul. All of the members reside on Earth.
1/3 are supposed to represent ordinary girls, with their songs mainly being focused on feelings of young love. This was expressed through two distinct concepts: "Love & Live," the feeling of a first crush, and "Love & Evil," the feeling of a first break-up. Through them, the question is posed: "Is love something sweet? Or is it something cruel?" with the answer being that these concepts can coexist.
The girls of 1/3 are shown to be friends, attending school and running track together. ViVi's nature as an android seems to be known, as Heejin doesn't seem surprised to see her charging in Love & Live and Hyunjin plugs her back in in You and Me Together; although it's unclear if this is something they actively discuss, or if it's more of an open secret.
Regardless, ViVi's nature as an android isolates her from the rest of the friend group. Her supernatural abilities seem to be viewed by the other girls as odd, and she is frequently seen standing at a distance from them and staying silent during conversations. However, they still clearly care about her.
When Yeojin gets lost in the Möbius forest, the members of 1/3 go in after her and cast "an arcane spell of love." It is unknown what this means exactly.
Out of the three subunits, 1/3 are the least involved with trying to unite LOONA. Considering their nature as regular Earth girls, it's unclear if they were even aware of the existence of the other worlds prior to the events of the story.
Their unique trait is locations.

Kim Lip is the sixth girl to be revealed. She is presumably from Middle Earth. She is a part of Odd Eye Circle, being the subunit's leader. Her representative shape is a circle. She is often paired with Jinsoul.
Kim Lip is one of if not the most proactive member when it comes to the formation of LOONA, leading Odd Eye Circle in the effort to unite the girls across all realms. She is possibly the most knowledgeable about the different worlds, which alines with her animal being an owl, a symbol of wisdom.
She possibly has the power of superspeed, being able to run incredibly fast. However, her power may actually be time travel, as seemingly shown in Girl Front. It is unknown if she was born with this power(s), or whether it developed later in life.
Kim Lip possesses a red Odd Eye on her left. Like the other members of OEC, she appears unaware of what's wrong with her eye in Sweet Crazy Love, heavily implying this is something that only recently developed.
She has been referred to as a "moon" before, alongside Jinsoul, and is strongly associated with eclipses due to her solo.
Her representative flower is a red rose, which is said to symbolize passion, romance, and admiration.
She possibly has a connection to yyxy, as all of them besides Olivia are seen eating roses, Kim Lip's flower, in love4eva.
An owl plushie, Kim Lip's animal, was briefly picked up by Yves in new, implying a possible connection between the two.

Jinsoul ("jin-soh-l") is the seventh girl to be revealed. She is presumably from Middle Earth. She is a part of Odd Eye Circle. Her representative shape is a circle. She is often paired with Kim Lip.
Jinsoul's animal, the blue betta, is an aggressive fish which must be kept in a tank separate from other fish, which implies Jinsoul might be somewhat antisocial. This is also supported by her representative flower.
It's also possible that Jinsoul didn't willingly avoid people, but was instead shunned by others or forcibly isolated from them in some form. This could possibly connect to the incident described in Everyday I Need You, where she was trapped in a basement in Hong Kong for unknown reasons and eventually rescued by ViVi. (It's possible this was just a joke, but it's unclear.) Whatever the case, she appears to open up once she becomes friends with the rest of Odd Eye Circle.
She has the power of teleportation, also called "space travel," being able to appear in places seemingly at will. However, it's possible that she cannot actually control where she teleports, as she appears confused when doing so in Girl Front. This could also potentially explain how she got locked in the basement in Hong Kong.
Jinsoul possesses a blue Odd Eye on her left. Like the other members of OEC, she appears unaware of what's wrong with her eye in Sweet Crazy Love, heavily implying this is something that only recently developed.
Jinsoul has a strong connection to cherries, leaving them for Choerry in Love Cherry Motion and eating them in Egoist. This is likely due to their power of teleportation, which she has as well. The cans of cherries in Egoist are also labeled "THE SUN IN THE AFTERNOON," which is a direct reference to the lyric "for the sin of swallowing up the afternoon sun" from Jinsoul's solo Singing in the Rain. It is unknown if they are an actual representative fruit, and if so, whether they belong to her or Choerry. The cherry is a part of the Rosaceae family, which all of yyxy's fruits belong to except Go Won.
In Egoist, Jinsoul is seen sitting behind a sign which says "fallen angel." It is unknown if this sign is referring to her or Olivia.
She has been referred to as a "moon" before, alongside Kim Lip. She is also one of the only two members to have a second "sub color," with the other being Choerry.
Jinsoul has a connection to Olivia Hye, appearing in Olivia's solo Egoist. In the music video, Jinsoul pulls out someone's earbuds, presumably Olivia's, in a direct reference to her own earbuds being pulled out in Sweet Crazy Love, possibly implying Olivia was the one to do so. It is unclear what the significance of this is, but it shows they are connected in some way. Olivia's color has also been stated sometimes to be black, Jinsoul's sub color, making them the only members to share a color. They have also been paired together in some promotional material.
As previously stated, at some point before or during the events of Everyday I Need You, ViVi rescued Jinsoul from the basement in Hong Kong. It's unknown why Jinsoul was there or how ViVi rescued her, but it shows that the two are on good terms. Jinsoul is also filmed by ViVi at an aquarium in Letter to Hong Kong.
Her representative flower is purple erica, which is said to symbolize independence, solitude, and protection.

Choerry ("ch-where-ee") is the eighth girl to be revealed. She is from Earth. She is a part of Odd Eye Circle. Her representative shape is a circle.
Choerry was originally a normal girl living on Earth, much like the members of 1/3. She was friends with Haseul and Yeojin, hanging out with them in Love Cherry Motion. However, after eating a cherry left for her by Jinsoul, she was transported to Middle Earth, eventually joining the rest of Odd Eye Circle.
She has the power of dimensional travel, being able to travel between the three worlds. It's unclear if this is a power she possesses on her own, or if it merely refers to her use of the cherries which teleport the one who eats them.
Choerry possesses a purple Odd Eye on her right, as opposed to the left like Kim Lip and Jinsoul. Like the other members of OEC, she appears unaware of what's wrong with her eye in Sweet Crazy Love, heavily implying this is something that only recently developed. Notably, she is the only one whose Odd Eye does not actually appear in that music video.

There is "another Choerry" who is frequently seen guiding Choerry. The other Choerry usually appears in mirrors, but has also been seen physically near Choerry. It is unknown if she is from another universe, from the future, or something else. Choerry seems surprised when she first encounters her, so at the very least this is not something she has always experienced.
Like her animal, the fruit bat, Choerry is often seen upside down, whether physically or merely visually via the footage being flipped.
Unlike Kim Lip and Jinsoul, Choerry has not been described as a "moon" but instead the "link between two moons," presumably referring to Kim Lip and Jinsoul. She is also one of the only two members to have a second "sub color," with the other being Jinsoul.
Despite not being a member of yyxy, Choerry is also highly associated with a fruit, that being the cherries. It is unknown if they are an actual representative fruit, and if so, whether they belong to her or Jinsoul. The cherry is a part of the Rosaceae family, which all of yyxy's fruits belong to except Go Won.
Choerry is often considered to be one of the most important characters, as she has direct connections to every single subunit and world. She is from Earth and was friends with members of 1/3, was transported to Middle Earth and became part of Odd Eye Circle, and appeared in Eden in One & Only, in addition to her cameo in new. This makes her possibly the only member to have physically been in all three worlds, if you assume Jinsoul was not in Eden in Egoist.
Choerry's counterpart is Hyunjin. They are compared to twins, and Choerry is seen replacing Hyunjin's part in Love & Live 2.0 shown at the Cinema Theory event. Because Choerry is originally from Earth, this has led to the popular theory that Hyunjin was originally from Middle Earth and swapped places with Choerry. It's thus also commonly assumed that Hyunjin was the original third member of Odd Eye Circle and Choerry replaced her.
Choerry and Yves met in Starlight, likely on Earth. Yves gave her an apple. This event is also alluded to in new.
Choerry makes a brief cameo in One & Only, where she delivers an apple to Go Won, presumably from Yves. She also takes Go Won's place within yyxy during Why Not.
Her representative flower is pink cosmos, which is said to symbolize order and harmony of the universe, as well as protection, infinity, and love.
ODD EYE CIRCLE (subunit)

ODD EYE CIRCLE consists of Kim Lip, Jinsoul, and Choerry. Each word in the name refers to a different aspect of the subunit: "ODD" both refers to being strange and is supposed to resemble three overlapping moons, "EYE" refers to the Odd Eyes that all the members possess, and "CIRCLE" refers to a symbolic circle which Kim Lip started, Jinsoul added to, and Choerry completed. They are associated with Middle Earth, despite Choerry originally being from Earth.
In contrast to 1/3's more youthful and innocent vibe, Odd Eye Circle have a much more cool and mature presence, championing the idea of chasing after love rather than being passive. This is reflected in their role within the Loonaverse, being the subunit most proactive in trying to unite LOONA.
In Sweet Crazy Love, all three members are shown having issues with their eyes, which turn out to be because of their Odd Eyes. Judging from their reactions in SCL, it is likely they were not aware of them before then. Kim Lip and Jinsoul's are on their left, while Choerry's is on her right. They usually appear as a sliver of colored light within the iris, in the shape of a crescent. However, in Paint the Town they are portrayed as the entire iris glowing. This is likely not just a stylistic choice, as they appear normally in the beginning of the music video, suggesting some kind of change.
Kim Lip and Jinsoul both presumably originate from Middle Earth, while Choerry originates from Earth. Kim Lip and Jinsoul banded together to lure Choerry to Middle Earth and form OEC with her. Being from Earth, Choerry appears to have been entirely unaware of the other worlds before they enlightened her.
Out of the three subunits, Odd Eye Circle are by far the most involved with trying to unite LOONA. Kim Lip and Jinsoul in particular seem to have had some kind of knowledge before the story which causes them to seek out Choerry, and they are the ones who finally convince Olivia Hye to join the group.
A popular theory posits that Hyunjin was actually the original third member of OEC before Choerry. Choerry and Hyunjin are counterparts, and Choerry is seen replacing Hyunjin's part in Love & Live 2.0. Because Choerry is originally from Earth, and the two have been shown to swap places, it can be inferred that Hyunjin was originally from Middle Earth and swapped places with Choerry. Hyunjin cameos in Girl Front, and her color, yellow, combines with Kim Lip and Jinsoul's to make up the primary colors. She is also seen with smoke of her color in Paint the Town, something which only the OEC members had previously been seen with.
Their unique trait is superpowers.

Yves ("eve") is the ninth girl to be revealed. She is presumably from Eden. She is a part of yyxy, being the subunit's leader. Her representative shape is a triangle. According to one, she represents "faith."
Yves is confident and rebellious, with a clear desire for freedom to be herself. She is shown to have snuck out of Eden at least two times, possibly more, even after getting in trouble. Yves rejects the so-called "utopia" of Eden, and prompts others to do the same. She is also shown to be the most curious. Yves seems to have a crueler side, however, as shown by her exclusion and abandonment of Olivia Hye.
Her representative fruit, the apple, is a very important symbol within the story. When eaten, they will cause one to "fall" from Eden presumably down to Earth. Alongside consuming them herself, Yves is shown to give apples to both Chuu and Go Won (via Choerry).
Yves and Olivia seem to not have a very good relationship. In love4eva, Olivia is excluded from the rest of yyxy and is the only one that Yves does not bring with her when they escape. There is repeated falling imagery in Egoist, specifically of a wolf plushie, Olivia's animal, being dropped in a crane machine like the one Yves plays in new, as well as a literal scene of Yves (off-screen) letting go of Olivia's hand as she dangles off a cliff. It is unclear if this is referencing Yves abandoning her in love4eva, or if it is depicting a separate event which caused tension between the two.
Regardless, it is clear that Olivia holds a deep sense of anger and betrayal towards Yves. This is shown by the lyrics of Egoist, which describe Olivia deciding to love herself instead of someone who hurt her, as well as her burning a swan plushie, Yves' animal. It is likely that this anger at Yves is what fuels many of Olivia's actions throughout the story, such as her reluctance to join the rest of LOONA. According to one theory, it may have even caused Olivia to murder ViVi, who Yves was close to.
It is unclear what the status of Yves and Olivia's relationship is later in the story, but it can be inferred that they mended things between them at least somewhat, judging from Olivia smiling down at Yves in Hi High.
Chuu is shown to have a crush on Yves, imagining the two being together in Heart Attack. However, it seems as if Yves does not return her feelings, or the very least does not outwardly show it. Yves possibly starts showing her attention after Chuu agrees to leave Eden. Chuu also imitates Yves, showing a desire to be like her.
It is unclear exactly what Yves' relationship is with Go Won, but Yves is seen placing a crown on her head in One & Only, and she assumedly sent Choerry to give her an apple. Go Won leaves Eden with Yves and Chuu, implying that she trusts her on some level.
Yves' connection with ViVi is perhaps her strongest one outside of yyxy. The two went on a roller skating date in new, where they are shown smiling and holding hands. (It's unclear where this occurred, but it was likely on Earth.) In Everyday I Love You, ViVi appears to skate with a random boy, but it turns out it was just a dream. It's commonly assumed that this dream is actually a corrupted memory of her skating with Yves from before ViVi became an android.
Some theories suggest that Yves actually killed ViVi, having lured her on the date in new in order to kill her. However later on in Why Not, ViVi is seen searching for Yves, which suggests that she doesn't hold any ill will towards her and in fact actively wishes to see her again.
Yves and Choerry met in Starlight, likely on Earth. Yves gave her an apple, likely the one Choerry later delivered to Go Won. This event is also alluded to in new.
She possibly has a connection to Kim Lip, as Yves is seen eating roses, Kim Lip's flower, in love4eva.
Her representative flower is tuberose, which is said to symbolize dangerous pleasures, and which girls were warned not to smell lest it awaken erotic desires in them.

Chuu is the tenth girl to be revealed. She is presumably from Eden. She is a part of yyxy. Her representative shape is a triangle. According to one, she represents "love."
Chuu is a sweet energetic girl who is very passionate about things. She appears to have a habit of daydreaming, and a tendency to sugarcoat things. She is seen with a camera in Heart Attack, taking pictures of Yves.
In addition to strawberries, Chuu is also associated with green apples. She also has connections to the story of The Little Match Girl.
Chuu is shown to have a crush on Yves, imagining the two being together in Heart Attack. However, it seems as if Yves does not return her feelings, or the very least does not outwardly show it. Yves possibly starts showing her attention after Chuu agrees to leave Eden. Chuu also imitates Yves, showing a desire to be like her.
Go Won and Chuu have been referred to as twins, and are often seen together. Notably, Chuu was with her during See Saw, when Go Won was making the bracelet to give to Hyunjin. Because Yves seemed to go off on her own a lot, and Olivia Hye was excluded, it's possible that these two are closer to each other than with the rest of yyxy.
Chuu seemed to not really trust Olivia, excluding her from the group and leaving her behind in Eden. However, it's unknown if Chuu personally harbors any negative feelings towards Olivia, or if she was just following Yves. The latter is possible, especially since Olivia appears to mainly harbor anger towards Yves and not the others.
Chuu also has a connection to Haseul, as she was the one to wake Chuu up at the end of Heart Attack, presumably after she fell from Eden.
She possibly has a connection to Kim Lip, as Chuu is seen eating roses, Kim Lip's flower, in love4eva.
Her representative flower is a pink tulip, which is said to symbolize love, affection, happiness, and well wishes.

Go Won ("go wah-n") is the eleventh girl to be revealed. She is presumably from Eden. She is a part of yyxy. Her representative shape is an upside down triangle. According to one, she represents "hope."
Go Won appears a bit more reserved than other members. In her solo One & Only, she is pursued by shadowy figures, including Yves, Chuu, and Choerry. It is possible they made up all the shadows, though it's unclear exactly why. Go Won appears to be scared of them regardless, running away and hiding from them. She appears very isolated throughout the music video, whether willingly or unwillingly.
Her representative animal, the butterfly, is hugely important to the Loonaverse, appearing countless times. It is almost always depicted as a specific blue butterfly with black markings. It can be connected to the concept of the "butterfly effect," the idea that seemingly small, meaningless actions can end up having huge consequences, as represented by the example of a butterfly flapping its wings leading to a tornado or hurricane. This is referenced in the lyrics of Butterfly, and seemingly directly shown in Why Not, when Go Won (the butterfly) is depicted floating above a massive hurricane.
Go Won's representative fruit, the pineapple, is the only member's fruit that is not a part of the Rosaceae family.
Her representative flower is a plum blossom, which is said to symbolize faith, perseverance in the face of hardship, and the changing of the seasons.
Go Won and Chuu have been referred to as twins, and are often seen together. Notably, Chuu was with her during See Saw, when Go Won was making the bracelet to give to Hyunjin. Because Yves seemed to go off on her own a lot, and Olivia Hye was excluded, it's possible that these two are closer to each other than with the rest of yyxy.
Go Won participated in excluding Olivia from the rest of the group and leaving her behind in Eden. However, Go Won was the only one to actually look back at Olivia as they left, implying that she had some level of sympathy for her unlike the others. Since Olivia appears to mainly harbor anger towards Yves and not the others, it's possible that Go Won only excluded Olivia because she was following Yves. The two have been paired together in promotional material, as well as in the song Rosy. Go Won's flower is also a plum blossom, and Olivia's fruit is a blood plum.
It is unclear exactly what Go Won's relationship is with Yves, but Yves is seen placing a crown on her head in One & Only, and she assumedly sent Choerry to give her an apple. Go Won leaves Eden with Yves and Chuu, implying that she trusts her on some level.
The bracelet that Hyunjin receives from the cat in Around You is revealed to have been made by Go Won in See Saw, implying that there is a connection between the two of them.
Choerry makes a brief cameo in One & Only, where she delivers an apple to Go Won, presumably from Yves. She also takes Go Won's place within yyxy during Why Not.
Go Won is seen visiting Haseul's plane from Let Me In in the XX teasers, finding one of the white bird feathers, implying a connection between them.
She possibly has a connection to Kim Lip, as Go Won is seen eating roses, Kim Lip's flower, in love4eva.
Go Won is depicted as a princess in One & Only, which could possibly link her to Yeojin, who is also depicted as a princess in Kiss Later.

Olivia Hye ("olivia heh") is the twelfth and final girl to be revealed. She is presumably from Eden. She is a part of yyxy. Her representative shape is a triangle. According to one, she represents "wrath." (officially translated as "anger.")
Olivia is defined by her anger. For unknown reasons, she was excluded from the rest of yyxy and was left behind when they escaped from Eden. This hurt her and caused her to lash out, with the target of her anger specifically being Yves, assumedly due to her nature as leader of the group and the one who suggested they run away in the first place.
However, this anger manifests as a resistance to the rest of LOONA in general. Olivia refuses to join the rest of the group in Hi High and burns the moon, formed by the group's union, in So What. Although the exact consequences of this are unknown, it clearly had a large impact, as the burning moon reappears in Why Not.
Olivia possibly has an even darker side, as her solo Egoist features split second, distorted scenes of what looks to be someone washing blood off their hands. Her fruit is also specifically a blood plum, the juice of which is clearly framed to look like blood on her lips in one shot. It is unknown what this imagery is supposed to represent, though it is often used as evidence for the theory that Olivia killed ViVi.
Due to being hurt and excluded in the past, Olivia seems to be somewhat of a lone wolf, preferring to keep to herself. She is frequently seen alone or with non-LOONA members.
Olivia is highly associated with fire, burning things throughout the story. She is also possibly associated with the sun, as "Hye" is pronounced similarly to the Korean word for sun, "hae." The moon also resembles the sun after she burns it in So What. This would also align with her seemingly being resistant to forming LOONA and completing the moon, since the sun is the opposite of the moon, as well as her association with fire.
Olivia and Yves seem to not have a very good relationship. In love4eva, Olivia is excluded from the rest of yyxy and is the only one that Yves does not bring with her when they escape. There is repeated falling imagery in Egoist, specifically of a wolf plushie, Olivia's animal, being dropped in a crane machine like the one Yves plays in new, as well as a literal scene of Yves (off-screen) letting go of Olivia's hand as she dangles off a cliff. It is unclear if this is referencing Yves abandoning her in love4eva, or if it is depicting a separate event which caused tension between the two.
Regardless, it is clear that Olivia holds a deep sense of anger and betrayal towards Yves. This is shown by the lyrics of Egoist, which describe Olivia deciding to love herself instead of someone who hurt her, as well as her burning a swan plushie, Yves' animal. It is likely that this anger at Yves is what fuels many of Olivia's actions throughout the story, such as her reluctance to join the rest of LOONA. According to one theory, it may have even caused Olivia to murder ViVi, who Yves was close to.
It is unclear what the status of Yves and Olivia's relationship is later in the story, but it can be inferred that they mended things between them at least somewhat, judging from Olivia smiling down at Yves in Hi High.
Go Won participated in excluding Olivia from the rest of the group and leaving her behind in Eden. However, Go Won was the only one to actually look back at Olivia as they left, implying that she had some level of sympathy for her unlike the others. Since Olivia appears to mainly harbor anger towards Yves and not the others, it's possible that Go Won only excluded Olivia because she was following Yves. The two have been paired together in promotional material, as well as in the song Rosy. Go Won's flower is also a plum blossom, and Olivia's fruit is a blood plum.
Chuu seemed to not really trust Olivia, also excluding her from the group and leaving her behind in Eden. However, it's unknown if Chuu personally harbors any negative feelings towards Olivia, or if she was just following Yves.
Olivia seems to have a very notable connection with Heejin, as seen by them meeting at the end of Egoist and their scenes together in Star. This is presumably due to them being the first and last girl respectively. Olivia's darkness has been contrasted with Heejin's light.
Jinsoul has a connection to Olivia, appearing in Egoist. In the music video, Jinsoul pulls out someone's earbuds, presumably Olivia's, in a direct reference to her own earbuds being pulled out in Sweet Crazy Love, possibly implying Olivia was the one to do so. It is unclear what the significance of this is, but it shows they are connected in some way. Olivia's color has also been stated sometimes to be black, Jinsoul's sub color, making them the only members to share a color. They have also been paired together in some promotional material.
Olivia is seen with one of Haseul's white feathers in So What, implying a connection between them.
Olivia is one of the popular candidates for ViVi's possible killer. They are never really seen directly interacting with each other directly. Therefore, it's unknown what their relationship is like and subsequently, if it would make sense in the context of this theory. As mentioned before, according to said theory, Olivia killed ViVi in order to hurt Yves, since the two of them were very close.
Her representative flower is an orange lobelia, which is said to symbolize malevolence, distrust, resentment, and the beginning of a crisis.
yyxy (subunit)

yyxy ("why why by why") consists of Yves, Chuu, Go Won, and Olivia Hye. The name stands for "youth youth by young," and refers to a new (fictional) set of chromosomes, separate from XX or XY, which the members represent. All of the members reside on Eden.
Differing from both 1/3 and Odd Eye Circle, yyxy are meant to represent the ego of youth. Their songs heavily focus on self-love, emphasizing the importance of loving oneself before loving others.
The members of yyxy live in the utopia of Eden (occasionally referred to as "Edenism.") However, there they are restricted and prevented from living their lives how they want to. They are overseen by an unknown blonde woman, who appears to take on the role of a teacher/headmistress. Seeking freedom and forbidden knowledge, Yves begins to sneak out into the woods, which she is reprimanded for by the teacher figure.
At some point, Yves bites an apple and leaves Eden, meeting Choerry and giving her an apple on (presumably) Middle Earth, and then meeting and skating with ViVi on (presumably) Earth.
Afterwards, she somehow returns to Eden and suggests leaving to Chuu and Go Won. For unknown reasons, the three girls excluded Olivia, leaving when she enters rooms and giving her odd stares. Yves eventually manages to convince Chuu and Go Won to escape with her. They leave Olivia behind, with Go Won being the only member to turn back to look at her, seemingly out of sympathy. The girls run into the woods and eventually make it down to Earth. Olivia runs after them, but seems to get lost. She eventually makes it to Earth on her own.
This abandonment instills a deep anger within Olivia, mainly directed towards Yves, which causes her to go it alone and refuse to join the rest of LOONA later on in Hi High.
Confusingly, the members of yyxy have been implied to be different parts of the same person, although it is unknown if this is metaphorical or literal. Most obviously is in one, where the girls walk through rooms and seemingly turn into each other, culminating in Olivia looking in the mirror and seeing the other three girls standing ominously behind her. There is also a moment in Egoist where Olivia is briefly replaced with the other three members, wearing the same outfit.
Each member represents a specific emotion as shown in one. Yves is "faith," Chuu is "love," Go Won is "hope," and Olivia is "wrath" (officially translated as "anger.")

It is possible that Chuu represents the "x" in yyxy, as suggested by the ending pose of love4eva as performed at the Premier Greeting Meet & UP event. She also lines up with the "x" if you go in reverse debut order.
Their unique trait is fruit. All of their fruits are part of the Rosaceae family, except Go Won's pineapple.