A screenshot from the love4eva music video. The members of yyxy are sat at a table eating. From left to right: Yves, Chuu, Go Won, Olivia Hye. They are all wearing their yellow plaid uniforms. Yves has long black hair and is picking at the red apple on her plate with a fork. Chuu has long light brown hair and is running her hands over the green apple on her plate. Go Won has long blonde hair and is also picking at the red apple on her plate with a fork. Olivia has long black hair and does not have an apple on her plate. She instead has a regular plate of food, some of which she is biting into with both hands. They are sat in front of two large white windows. Large white text has been placed over the image, reading 'STORY yyxy.'

Welcome to the hub page for yyxy's story!

This page contains links to analysis of all material from new to one. This includes the solos of Yves, Chuu, Go Won, Olivia Hye, yyxy subunit content, and all related teasers, promotional material, performances, and more.

A cropped screenshot from the new music video. Yves is holding an apple in front of her, staring at it contemplatively. She is wearing a white shirt, and has long dark brown hair. She is leaned against a wall. The background is gray.
A cropped screenshot from the one video. Olivia Hye is looking at her reflection in a mirror. Behind her in the reflection is Yves, Chuu, and Go Won, blurry and obscured by darkness. Olivia is wearing a white dress with spots, and has long black hair. The background is a dark room with slight light coming in from a window. The entire image is very darkly lit.

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