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Part 4: I'll Be There

In the last part where we went over Around You, I briefly mentioned the teaser for I'll Be There, which was released alongside Hyunjin's other teasers. This song is the b-side on Hyunjin's single album, and the first instance of a non-solo song in LOONA's discography!
There were no teaser images released for this song specifically, but the ones with Heejin and Hyunjin together that we covered in Part 3 sort of fulfill that role. We did however get a video teaser, though once again it doesn't contain anything but clips from the MV itself.
This teaser includes both isolated vocals and instrumental snippets from the full song. As stated before, it was released before Around You alongside Hyunjin's other video teasers, but I thought it'd be better for organization's sake to put it here.
After both MV versions for Around You were released, the official MV for I'll Be There was posted on November 16, 2016. In Hyunjin's album description, the song is described as "a charming candy-funk track notable for the fresh charm that pops off from the very first line."
Besides that though, there's no other noteworthy promotional material, so we can go ahead and jump right into the MV!
This MV is fairly simple compared to the previous ones, but it still contains important information for the story. So let's get into it!

The video opens on Heejin and Hyunjin dancing in front of a house. This is actually the same house from Around You! Which means that this is most likely Hyunjin's house and front yard. It's a bright sunny day, and there's two hoses, yellow and blue, in the background.
Heejin and Hyunjin are wearing matching outfits, white shirts and yellow plaid. Heejin is wearing a plaid skirt, while Hyunjin is wearing a plaid dress with an opening over a white skirt.

We can see from later shots that Heejin is wearing a fancy golden brooch, as well as what looks to be two large rings. (I can't tell how they're being worn, since they don't look like they're on a specific finger?? But I don't know a lot about jewelry so I might just be stupid LOL)
One is circular and light purple, and the other is square and a gray-green/blue.

Hyunjin is wearing a necklace with two strings. One has a pearl, and the other has a small black fringe. She also has a pink and purple ribbon around her collar.

Hyunjin has purple earrings consisting of a square and a circle, and Heejin has green earrings consisting of squares. (This will be important later, I swear.)

As the song starts, we suddenly transition to footage from a video recorder in a 4:3 ratio. The time in the bottom left is the current playtime of the video, minus the 5 seconds of the intro at the beginning.
Heejin and Hyunjin are hanging out together in the Harajuku district in Tokyo, where the entirety of this MV was filmed. Harajuku is known worldwide as a center of Japanese youth culture and fashion. The two walk through the district, entering shops, holding hands, goofing around, and generally appearing to be friends.

Later we get better looks at their outfits in these scenes. Hyunjin has a black skirt and red suspenders, as well as the same pink ribbon around her collar from before. Heejin has a bright red skirt and green suspenders. (seemingly worn backwards?)
They also both notably wear black hats/headpieces with, of course, pearls. Again, pearls are often compared to the moon (something LOONA is heavily associated with) and can represent innocence, beauty, sincerity, spiritual transformation, and motherhood. Both Heejin and Hyunjin wore pearls in their teaser images and solo MVs.

In fact, the hat that Hyunjin wears here appears to be the exact same hat Heejin is seen wearing at one point during ViViD!

This part isn't really lore-relevant, but I wanted to point out this adorable moment where they both pretend to kiss each other on the cheek lol. Heejin is also leaning against Hyunjin when they walk in multiple shots.
We continue to see their night out in the city; petting a dog on the street, eating ice cream, etc.

The second verse starts with a new scene, this time of the two dancing on top of a rooftop with the cityscape behind them. They're still wearing the same outfits from the video recorder footage.
It's a lot more dancing and walking around, but eventually during the final chorus, the two start running in all the 4:3 footage, something they hadn't been shown doing before. After that, the MV comes to an end.
Like I said in the beginning, this MV doesn't have a lot of specific details to discuss. Rather it serves the purpose of visually conveying some simple yet important information: Heejin and Hyunjin are friends!

At the end of Around You, we see Hyunjin sit down next to Heejin at some benches. And from the way that Heejin reacts, it seems like she doesn't know Hyunjin. (Although to be fair, she wouldn't be able to see her face in that moment.)
Regardless of whether they knew each other at that point or not, what matters is that as of right now, they are close friends. And considering that they're still in Tokyo and shown dancing in front of Hyunjin's house, it's possible that this MV takes place soon after that scene at the benches.
Everything about I'll Be There is focused on this duo; a duo that would become known by fans as "2jin." The MV shows them hanging out, they wear matching outfits, and the choreography heavily features them holding hands, mirroring each other, etc.

The lyrics of the song talk about being in love and wanting to be with someone every day, every every hour, every second. While the song itself is directed at a generic "boy," its themes can be applied to Heejin and Hyunjin and how they enjoy spending time with each other.
Hyunjin sings about a "pink world with you and me," possibly relating to Heejin's signature "vivid pink" color. In the bridge, Hyunjin sings about sunlight and Heejin sings about moonlight, which I only bring up since the moon is incredibly important in the Loonaverse.
Aside from that, there really isn't much to cover with this MV. Heejin and Hyunjin are friends, possibly only after meeting at the end of Around You, and that's really the only takeaway you need to have for now.
Now though, we can move on and discuss our much-awaited third member. See you in Part 5!